The more fine-grained analysis model is called the feature/aspect-based sentiment analysis.
This analysis model provides increased design flexibility by allowing the designer to design to any quality level, not just 100 percent.
Also of interest for performance measurement is Sharpe's (1992) style analysis model, in which factors are style indices.
The core of the method is a multidimensional analysis model, which continuously calculates the key forces affecting the vessel attitude.
The experimental groups working in the field also like to develop their own analysis models and the outside observer sees many different analysis results.
Therefore, we can consider any of these, as analysis model.
The adaptive compilation system uses a cost-benefit analysis model.
Internal and external interface designs are based on the information obtained from the analysis model.
Analysis patterns develop the abstract analysis models as early as possible.
In addition to physical laws, constraints can reflect resource limitations, user requirements, or bounds on the validity of the analysis models.