An analysis of the results should shed light on the workings of the Northern Ireland labour market.
Embryonic analysis of Weberian apparati of the taxon Brycon has shed some light on the development of the structure itself.
Further analysis of DNA sequences may shed new light regarding to Bibimys taxonomical position.
Scientists believe that analysis of the pictures may shed light on the aquatic ancestry of all land vertebrates, including humans.
Further analysis of the skeleton might shed light on how upright walking developed, Dr. Koehler said.
This analysis sheds much insight into the place of the succession issue in party politics under the later Stuarts.
However, molecular analysis may shed more light on relationships and the current taxonomic treatment may change.
An one page in-depth analysis from a knowlegeable and impartial journalist shed more light on the truth than a million word report from an inquiry costing (ie.
Genomic analysis of cultivated coconut (Cocos nucifera) has shed light on the movements of Austronesian peoples.
The analysis shed little light on the reason for the differences in treatment.