The abundant analyses of the elections have uncovered many differing reasons for the flight from the center.
Such an analysis should uncover the culturally specific principles that underlie the rational decision-making process.
And their analysis of the area uncovered only the admiral's body and DNA.
The Plan's analysis uncovered a great need to improve Indian Health Services broadband infrastructure.
The analysis also uncovers the hidden causes of overtime, absenteeism, and low productivity.
Their analysis uncovered the transverse modes.
Such analysis can also uncover many twists and turns in the long trip from the artist's studio to the museum wall.
At the medical center, Dr. Spencer reveals to Jamie that his analysis of the children's blood has uncovered abnormal cells.
Such textual analysis, undertaken with a feminist pair of eyes, is uncovering the depth at which sexism must be seen to be present in the text.
But until now, no analysis had uncovered the United States' pattern of overlap between endemic species and areas disturbed by humans.