But look, right now here's the gemological analysis unit from the assay office.
They work for the F.B.I.'s behavioral analysis unit, profiling serial killers and other extreme criminals.
"Our historical analysis unit has perhaps uncovered the reason for the anomaly."
"What did the analysis unit deduce?"
McCoy glanced a final time at the readouts, then switched off the analysis unit.
Jason Gideon (Mandy Patinkin) and the behavioral analysis unit investigate.
Local spatial autocorrelation statistics provide estimates disaggregated to the level of the spatial analysis units, allowing assessment of the dependency relationships across space.
So the analysis unit for the common foreign and security policy which the IGC has called for should certainly include a human rights section.
We are looking for analysis units in the treaty which hopefully will be agreed in Amsterdam.
That is why we need an analysis unit, which I hope we will see in Amsterdam.