Some political analysts as Pablo Mendelevich compared this type of government with a diarchy.
At this stage the analyst should state and compare the merits of different values to acknowledge the influences on decision-making.
Media critics and analysts have compared and contrasted the two works in particular because of their great impact and similarities.
But analysts compared the results with gains that exceeded 19 percent last year.
Some analysts have compared the recent Silver Screen deals to bond financings.
Our analysts compared it to the messages we attached to our deep space probes early in the space program.
In arguing from human experience, the analysts compared and contrasted monarchy and republicanism.
Now some analysts are comparing it to a lumbering, stumbling pharmaceutical giant that leans too heavily on an aging product portfolio.
To arrive at those percentages, the analysts compared how often members of a particular race were stopped to how often they were arrested.
Political analysts compared her appearance to a "media baptism" and claim that her political emergence has its roots in this debate.