Some analysts complain that ordinary blacks see little benefit from these companies because many black owners rely on white managers.
Not a single analyst complained to him of any pressure being applied.
But many analysts complain that companies do not consolidate their minority shareholdings, even in cases where they appear to have control.
The shoes are too durable, some analysts complain.
Some analysts have complained that the company is not moving fast enough to expand into new media.
In October, analysts complained about a lack of company information.
Some analysts complain that new Mellon stock is being sold at excessively steep discounts to the market price.
One Republican analyst concedes there is drifting, but complains about the talk of it.
Some analysts also complain that the company's financial data can be hard to sort out.
And some analysts complained that the company either did not have, or would not disclose, an adequate plan to revive its business.