It is still early in the Presidential campaign, as political analysts have repeatedly determined, but the press coverage is beginning to take a familiar shape.
In order to figure this out, analysts must determine the vulnerabilities of these groups and what they would be susceptible to.
Airline stocks, battered on Tuesday, bounced back as analysts determined that recent fare cuts would not significantly damage earnings.
"I'm not certain how administration and Congressional analysts determined the follow-on impacts of every provision in what is the world's most complex tax code."
Soviet analysts determined that modern battlefield tactics require short bursts of fire from shooting positions including standing, kneeling and prone (lying down).
As the body of information builds in the model, the analyst can more easily determine where there are inconsistencies in conclusions.
Using the solved message, the analyst can quickly determine what the keyword was.
This could happen if analysts determine that the retirement accounts are inadequately financed and unable to meet the needs of pensioners.
Once analysts determined that the bolts had floated away, they dismissed the incident as trivial.
An analyst gleans as many pieces of information as possible, determines if they tell a story that makes sense, and decides whether to recommend a trade.