Was that an emotional or analytical assessment?
The group defined it as "changing, delaying or killing an analytical assessment to avoid offending a policy maker," said Administration officials who are familiar with the report.
Not the pointed monitoring of the bodyguard, but the more analytical assessment of one who searched through his mental ID file, matched, tagged, shrugged, and moved on.
The Office ensures that USDA is a source of objective, analytical assessments of the effects of climate change and proposed response strategies.
NIE: National Intelligence Estimate, a special analytical assessment.
The Commission introduced a new policy this year of automatic TAC cuts where a full analytical assessment of the stock was not available.
European coaches treated the book as the first analytical assessment of hockey skills, team play and conditioning.
But these disagreements reflected more than simple tactical and analytical assessments of the situation in Iraq.
The CIA did not write any analytical assessments of possible hijacking scenarios.
An analytical assessment was also requested of the Committee within 17 months.