Atomic absorption spectrometers are one of the most commonly sold and used analytical devices.
But the new scale, the more modern analytical device, had been there already; no lag had existed.
Which might sound kind of primitive, but the human nose happens to be an exquisitely sensitive analytical device.
Secretary Baker has said that the index would be used only as an analytical device to help countries ascertain whether world inflation is rising or falling.
Saville (1957) considers that this is a useful analytical device, if rather imprecise.
Situations' in this sense, become the prime analytical devices.
Andy has also been responsible for a number of analytical devices (sources coming soon) which are in use in universities, research centres and technical laboratories.
He powered up the dim screens of the pod's analytical devices.
This means, therefore, that we must develop a conceptual and analytical device that allows us to assess our own instruments.
That's the principle behind an analytical device developed by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.