Mrs. Milley, manager of analytical strategy at SAS, spends her days finding patterns in events or decisions that appear random, arbitrary or just plain ridiculous to the average person.
The CAS directs the design, development and delivery of comprehensive, integrated analytical strategies and implementation plans on critical issues having broad impact on research programs and activities.
A similar analytical strategy indicated that the polysaccharide of group C streptococci differed by having a terminal β-N-acetyl galactosamine as the serological determinant.
They address important policy issues, and they simultaneously demonstrate how different analytical strategies can deal scientifically with issues of overall country institutions in comparative cross-country analyses.
The development of analytical strategies for analyzing biological time-series will continue to be important as new real-time methods (potentially including images of tissues) provide greater access to molecular and physiological cycles.
The analytical strategy of this paper is based on this distinction.
Where that national pattern is distinctly modernist and the data under consideration are putatively postmodernist, this analytical strategy should certainly not be preferred.
Marchionini (1997, p. 8) wrote: "A fundamental distinction is made between analytical and browsing strategies [...].
Different analytical strategies need to be employed for the different candidate loci under study.
Already, analytical strategies have subdivided into distinct 'omic' domains, such as genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics.