The researchers collected data on the subjects for a year, but have only analyzed information from the first 12 weeks so far.
Some scholars are using computers to analyze information taken from thousands of health insurance claims.
Tip Line staff collect, document and analyze information received from phone calls.
But he needed all the time he could get to make plans and analyze information.
The government put together several different websites to inform, share and analyze information.
Some facts behind these ideas may be supported by government statistics that actually analyze much information for different groups in society.
It will enable the readers to analyze information according to new procedures.
International organizations need to analyze such information critically and especially benefit when it comes from more than one source.
As for race, Catalyst was able to analyze information on just 429 of the 500 largest companies, because the other 71 did not provide it.
They provide a systematic way of looking at events, collecting data, analyzing information, and reporting the results.