But just as her carefully constructed stories are bound by intricate rules and forms, so, too, is the cruel, seemingly anarchic world they explore.
By the end, the piece has transcended specifics and become an expression of the eternal search for order in an anarchic world.
The state emphasizes an interest in accumulating power to ensure security in an anarchic world.
The setting in these plays, too, is an anarchic world where adolescent conflict and anxiety seem the norm, even among so-called grown-ups.
"The Internet is one of the most difficult-to-use, anarchic on-line worlds you could imagine."
But in an anarchic world where there is no authority to define the crimes of nations or individuals who lead them, those deeds are not unlawful.
In an anarchic world, with rogue states and terrorist cells, a globally dominant United States offers the best hope for peace and stability, they argue.
For Clausewitz, war is simply a means to the eternal quest for power, of raison d'État in an anarchic and unsafe world.
And in an anarchic world, the end can often justify the means.
National interest narrowly construed may be the safer rule in an anarchic world.