It is the only center in the world that dedicates its care to the management of vascular malformations in all anatomic locations.
Heterotopic means the displacement of an organ from its normal anatomic location.
It is the only anatomic location in the body in which an artery travels completely through a venous structure.
Finally, the subcutis is a layer that extends below the dermis with varying depth, depending on the anatomic location.
Nevertheless, a combination of age, anatomic location, and image assessment can efficiently evaluate astroblastoma.
However, the anatomic location of the neural injury or irritation producing this pain is controversial.
A Meniscus tear can be classified in various ways: by anatomic location, by proximity to blood supply, etc.
It can also be found attached to muscle tissue, wrapped around intestines, or in any anatomic location.
Once diagnosed, it is characterized by its chronicity, anatomic location or histologic subtype.
Associated focal neurologic signs and symptoms occur depending on the anatomic location of the tumor.