While there are less anatomical evidence for this group than for other archaic placental families (such as apatemyids.
There is anatomical and trackway evidence that this talon was held up off the ground while the dinosaur walked on the third and fourth toes.
It was the first book devoted to the topic of human evolution, and discussed much of the anatomical and other evidence.
Hopson found that there is anatomical evidence that hadrosaurids had strong hearing.
Physiological, behavioral and anatomical evidence show that some species may have a functioning olfactory system in utero.
Unlike with the ovules, there is good anatomical evidence that they were borne on the fronds, attached to the rachis.
Some doctors and researchers who specialize in the anatomy of women say that there is no anatomical evidence for the "spot".
Despite all the anatomical evidence I gave you before, this creature's ancestry is from this planet.
Finally, recent studies based on paleontological data or comparative anatomical evidence strongly suggest that the neocortex was already present in the earliest emerging mammals.
The family is currently only known from adpressions (compression-impressions) and the consequential lack of anatomical evidence has resulted in some disagreement as to its affinities.