He is a Professor of anthropology and anatomical sciences at the State University of New York at Stony Brook.
The work contains valuable information about the state of anatomical science before the time of Galen.
His work Anatomie générale et physiologie du système lymphatique was presented as a thesis for his aggrégation de médecine in anatomical and physiological sciences.
The idea is controversial within the scientific community, coming under fire for bad anatomical science or simply wishful thinking.
She had various teaching and research jobs at Yale before joining the State University of New York in Buffalo as an associate professor of anatomical sciences in the mid-1970's.
The vertebral theory of the skull had practically disappeared from anatomical science when the labours of Cuvier drew to their close.
This tradition includes exact observation, experiment, and the application of anatomical and physiological science, human and comparative, to practical Medicine.
The Constitution bridged the early anatomical science of the nineteenth century with evolutionary concepts.
Parliament responded by setting up the 1828 Select Committee on anatomy, whose report emphasised the importance of anatomical science and recommended that the bodies of paupers be given over for dissection.
He has taught all aspects of anatomical sciences including histology, neuroanatomy, embryology and topographical anatomy for over 30 years.