Apparently uncertain as to whether such an act was anatomically possible, the judge appointed a number of female assistants in order to put the dog and the girl to the test.
Some things he hadn't even known were anatomically possible!
And as one who's made love with you in about every way that's anatomically possible, I can certify that you're never selfish.
Using FACS, human coders can manually code nearly any anatomically possible facial expression, deconstructing it into the specific Action Units (AU) and their temporal segments that produced the expression.
Few data are available to guide treatment in patients with melanomas more than 4 mm thick; however, most guidelines recommend margins of 3 cm whenever anatomically possible.
"Do you think that's anatomically possible?"
Is that anatomically possible?
With enormous effort, he bent his leg farther than he thought anatomically possible and braced his foot against the front edge of the protomatter payload casing.
A crew of six will assemble him in less than six hours in any anatomically possible pose you request.