In some cultures, the purpose of ancestor veneration is not to ask for favors but to do one's filial duty.
The core belief of ancestor veneration is that there is a continued existence after death.
The equinoxes were also the days of ancestor veneration in China.
Among the contexts suggested for their production have been hunting magic, warfare, shamans' traces, weather control, and ancestor veneration.
They practice the Serer religion which involves ancestor veneration, covering all dimensions of life, death and space.
This is ancestor veneration, which some have wrongly labelled ancestor worship.
These shrines often contain mementos of individuals close to the member who have died, and are the central focus for ancestor veneration in the member's home.
It is largely based on ancestor veneration and concerned with relationships with the supernatural world.
Also in Chinese religion, a cooked chicken as a religious offering is usually limited to ancestor veneration and worship of village deities.
They also see no conflict between Christian faith and ancestor veneration.