During the Ching Ming Festival in spring, ancestral graves are visited.
Especially relevant to the community would be the demolishing of ancestral graves.
Thereafter he made such visits at least once a year and to pay homage and respect to his ancestral graves in Huzhou.
This area, the visitor would have been informed, was the circle of the ancestral graves.
It would appear that the vicar was also able by this means to snub the Knight family by banishing their ancestral graves to the churchyard.
Twelve years, thirteen... We clung to the ancestral homes, the ancestral graves, as lichen does to a rock.
To us, home, kinfolk, ancestral graves are not mere pleasures.
This caused intense indignation among the native Indian tribes since their ancestral graves were dug up and human skeletons of their exposed.
But the most disturbing discovery of all was reported at the end: the Eskimos' ancestral graves were found excavated and emptied.
During the festival, Koreans visit their ancestral graves for offering rite and cleaning and maintenance.