A top dressing of live Sphagnum was found to provide a good anchoring point for developing roots.
A seed crystal serves as an anchoring point and template for crystal growth.
Good anchoring points should be everywhere.
Non-vibrato bridges supply an anchoring point for the strings but provide no active control over string tension or pitch.
Its name comes from the fact that ships arriving to relieve Davis Station used the island as an anchoring point.
She often helps Mitch with his female troubles and serves as an anchoring point for him while he is away from campus.
The mission provides both pragmatically and ethically an anchoring point for the choice principles of the organization.
I provide only an anchoring point.
The down-hand is merely an anchoring point for offensive linemen; typically, very little weight is put onto it.
This place was used as an anchoring point for vessels and ferrys transporting goods.