The first recorded use of capnomancy was in ancient Babylonia where the ceremony was performed at religious dates throughout the year using cedar branches or shavings.
Take ancient Babylonia - how is it related to early Egyptian civilizations?
Babil, home of ancient Babylonia, is often called "the white flower."
In ancient Babylonia, Greece and Rome, children were the property of their fathers and could be beaten, sold or even killed.
It tells the story of Zadig, a philosopher in ancient Babylonia.
Sura was a city in the southern part of ancient Babylonia, located west of the Euphrates River.
The origins of striptease as a performance art are disputed and various dates and occasions have been given from ancient Babylonia to 20th century America.
I don't know of anything else that has social significance spanning ancient Babylonia and Babylon, L.I.
In ancient Babylonia, each city had its own Gingira.
Early traces of beer and the brewing process have been found in ancient Babylonia as well.