Gina, mentioned in the Amarna Letters, was a town in ancient Canaan.
I did miss any attention to the origin of the alphabet in ancient Canaan, surely the most important step after the original invention of writing.
One autumn day, while working in the library, I found a book which described weeping rituals in ancient Canaan.
This gave him a backstory in which he was a young shepherd who becomes the Champion, one of the world's first superheroes in ancient Canaan, over 5,000 years ago.
They are predominantly found at sites in Lebanon (ancient Canaan).
Ashdod is mentioned in documents written in Ugaritic, a language of ancient Canaan.
A Canaanean blade is an archaeological term for a long, wide blade made out of stone or flint, predominantly found at sites in Lebanon (ancient Canaan).
During 734 BC the Phoenicians, a sea trading peoples from the north of ancient Canaan, built a small settlement on the natural habour of Palermo.
It was mainly confined to the Philistine settlements with some distribution throughout ancient Canaan.