Primitive Christianity: or, the Religion of the ancient Christians in the first Ages of the Gospel, 2 volumes, 1672.
Panteleimon gathered around his pupils, daily Communion was their rule, while they were traveling along the Sacraments in the chest following the example of the ancient Christians.
A physical representation of the belief by ancient Christians, Rosicrucians, and alchemists that the world's end is rapidly approaching, and will occur in the midst of fire.
According to one biographer, his family were of converso heritage, although others refer to them as ancient Christians who migrated from France.
The chief arms left me', he wrote in the Eikon Basilike, 'were those only which the ancient Christians were wont to use against their persecutors, prayers and tears.
I had this odd thought that the ancient Christians must've framed Arab males as their models for Satan.
Ahhhh, if we only had the time to enroll you in the study of thaumaturgical psychiatry and the ancient Christians.
It may subsequently have been used as a monastery and some believe it may have marked a biblical site which became sacred to ancient Christians.
They act like a bunch of ancient Christians asking the Virgin Mary to intercede with God.
A wreath was a symbol of martydom among ancient Christians.