Commiphora opobalsamum), native to southern Arabia and also naturalized, in ancient and again in modern times, in ancient Judea.
It seemed as if Uncle Billy from "It's a Wonderful Life" had been transported back to ancient Judea.
Alexander the Great reached ancient Judea and was welcomed by the Jews.
This one, which reaches back to ancient Judea and the day of Jesus' crucifixion, turned out to be disarmingly entertaining.
It was the approach advocated by followers of Hillel, a very influential school of thought in ancient Judea, which predated the current era.
The filmmakers supply some history, not going back to ancient Judea but more recently to what Israelis call the 1948 war of independence and Palestinians call "the catastrophe."
Zelah is named after a place in ancient Judea which was the burial place of King Saul, his father Kish and his son Jonathan.
Jews first settled in Arab lands more than 2,500 years ago, after Babylon conquered ancient Judea.
That was also the custom in ancient Judea and practiced also by Christians.