The ancient Norse believed that during Ragnarök, Thor would kill and be killed by Jörmungandr.
"The ancient Norse were not a cheerful people."
Outlawry also existed in other ancient legal codes, such as the ancient Norse and Icelandic legal code.
Originating from the ancient Norse and Saxon languages, the dialect was prevalent across the Blackmore Vale but has fallen into disuse.
In Latin, " vado," and in the ancient Norse, "vada" means, "I go, I go fast, I hasten on, I flow on."
I was a throwback to the ancient Norse.
In fact, many of these riddles were favorites of the ancient Norse and Anglo-Saxons, and can be found in their writings that have been preserved through the centuries.
The name Brora is derived from ancient Norse, meaning 'river with a bridge.'
Beardmore Relics, a supposed archaeological find, claimed by Currelly to be evidence of the ancient Norse in Ontario; today it is considered a hoax.
It has been said that the name Lowthorpe or Logetorp could have meant 'Law-village' in ancient Norse.