Would you believe that, in the form's ancient beginnings, the performers actually talked?
Sonic does not actually destroy Chaos, as Chaos returns to his ancient beginnings to live in peace.
A claim to be the only people entitled to conduct interstellar trade was related to the ancient mythical beginning of their history.
Why go This is a country proud of its ancient beginnings but recovering from a dark, more recent past.
Green's universe is dominated by a vast and powerful human empire that has fallen from its ancient beginnings into cruelty, decadence and oppression.
The museum acquired more than one million articles depicting life in the city throughout its history, from Moscow's ancient beginnings to the present day.
Babylon, whose ancient beginnings were lost in legend, was the city of gods.
Rhetoric as a course of study has evolved significantly since its ancient beginnings.
If these people of the Clan came from the same ancient beginnings as the ones she had known, their language should be, at least, similar.
There was only water and stone, and a quality of time before time, of ancient beginnings before life began.