Speed relished the thought as he slapped another ancient cannon.
There, amid the ancient cannon, crooks made a stout stand.
Provided, of course, that the six-inch gun delivered, as she seemed certain to do, for the mouths of the ancient cannon were still elevated.
He and the men with him may have heard the whir of the old-fashioned ball that came from an ancient cannon; but that was all.
It has ancient cannons, a small exhibition of local arts and staggering views of the bay and village below.
The ancient cannon, rusting and corroded, were still in place.
A line of ancient cannons stood rotting at their embrasures.
Erected in the 16th century, it guarded the bay against pirate ships - you can still see the ancient cannons poking through the crenellated walls.
Half-way up the hill to the base of the mountain he saw an old gardener trimming ivy about an ancient cannon near a driveway.
Into that ancient cannon, The Shadow had inserted a shell filled with explosive of modern power.