Here in this ancient capital, China seems very young to me tonight, blessed with both a proud history and the promise of tomorrow.
Kuni-kyō, an ancient capital between 740 and 744 was on this city's ground.
Fujiwara-kyō was the ancient capital of Japan from 694 to 710.
The tour to the ancient capital of Siam includes a trip.
The ancient capital, and the castle town, were at Tottori city.
The ancient capital, the port city of Crater, was located here.
They are proud of their position as the people of the ancient capital.
Not much still stands of this ancient capital except some remains from the 18th to the 26th Dynasties.
This place is called a 'city' because it was the ancient capital of the Kannur town.
The ancient capital is on the edge of central China, not the go-go coast.