Recently ancient ecosystems consisting of several types of bacteria have been found living trapped deep beneath glaciers.
The researchers say their study and others like it are important for understanding ancient ecosystems.
The study of coprolites, pioneered by Anning and Buckland, would prove to be a valuable tool for understanding ancient ecosystems.
Studies of ancient ecosystems and climates show that the natural world has adapted many times to drastic global warming and cooling.
The reserve was created after a 15 year effort to save the ancient ecosystem (with some trees estimated at over two thousand years old), from being clearcut.
We come disturbing these ancient ecosystems, and we don't know what we stir up.
The rocks and fossils preserve evidence of ancient ecosystems and give scientists clues about how early mammal species lived.
Scientists have discovered an ancient ecosystem beneath the Taylor Glacier, next to Lake Bonney.
Now, this ancient, prolific ecosystem is vastly diminished.
This fossil site provides important information on ancient coastal ecosystems during a period of Earth history that was very different from today.