That some ancient enmity had been unwittingly introduced into the house?
If everything was to end just a handful of generations away, what did ancient enmities matter?
The species be concerned about the purity of their lines, and some have ancient enmities.
Whatever the reason for the ancient enmity of the families, it's all dissolved by the end - and people in the audience shake hands.
There are ancient enmities to be gotten around.
Captain, I have no desire to stir up ancient enmity.
There remained, on the surface, none of any ancient enmity with Tugness and his people.
"The galaxy is so much larger, perhaps the ancient enmities can at last be allowed to fade."
The time has come for the ancient enmity between our land and Valdemar to be burned away.
The smirk on his face could not conceal the ancient enmity in his eyes.