The importance of this day has been signified in the ancient epics like Mahabharata also.
It feels like an ancient epic, with the viola as Gilgamesh, wandering the earth.
Not that all of those minds were equally receptive to his theories on the ancient epic.
Like so much of this theater, it reaches back to an ancient epic to set modern concerns in a timeless, mythic context.
We may well begin with the ancient epics dating substantially from pagan times, probably first written down in the seventh century or even earlier.
Another popular serial based on another ancient epic, the Mahabharata, has taken its place.
The book tries to give a scientific lift to the ancient epic.
He analyzed the ancient epics to arrive at the reasons for origin of private property in India.
In ancient epic, women have been portrayed through various roles that help, hinder, and protect characters from disaster.
This, after all, is one of the greatest and most ancient epics of humanity.