Maybe they are just the ancient equivalent of "Kjlroy was here".
Aurora was the ancient Roman equivalent of Eos.
"This is the ancient equivalent of the Beatles' famous Rolls-Royce."
In many ways, baths were the ancient Roman equivalent of community centres.
Larger units of monetary value and exchange such as the talent were the ancient equivalents of the modern 400-troy-ounce "good delivery" gold bullion bar.
Tessera (commerce) was the ancient Roman equivalent of a theater ticket.
Aristotle's successors, the Peripatetics, founded a school, in effect the ancient equivalent of a university.
Its use was for training and exercise and is the ancient equivalent to a large complicated gymnasium.
Whoever found the mummy case must have promptly pried it open, ruining the ancient equivalent of a lock.
A tessera was the ancient Roman equivalent of a theater ticket.