He stopped at a corner of the alley which led to the ancient gateway that had been filled with the explosives.
The ancient gateway leading to the monastery was redone (see infobox).
Those ancient gateways I showed you, across continents and oceans-you must not use them.
However, during its construction the remains of an ancient gateway were found beneath it.
It is just outside Bootham Bar, one of the ancient gateways through the city walls of York.
Not far away is part of an ancient gateway, and just South of the house there are the remains of a mound which once contained an ice-house.
Both the ancient gateways to the Blackfriars have been removed, one before 1724, the other having collapsed c. 1750.
It looks like a cross between an ancient gateway and a closet.
All that remains of the original manor house appears to be an ancient gateway with several blank escutcheons found near the parish church.
Harry crossed the road, passed through an ancient arched gateway and started up the drive towards the school.