Whenever it was mentioned by ancient geographers, the city was described as one of the most beautiful in Anatolia.
It was well-known to ancient geographers, but there is no known archaeological evidence of permanent settlements from the ancient period.
Sámúí deserves notice from the attempt which has been made to establish it as the celebrated Minnagara of the ancient geographers.
The ancient geographer Posidonios wrote of them: "Their country is savage and dry.
For one reason or another, it seems, ancient geographers often truncated the initial letters of place names.
Mela is, however, the only one of the ancient geographers who adopts it.
Such that ancient geographers have mentioned this city in their records, and others have related its historical past with that of Kerman.
Their order was described by the ancient Greek geographer, Pausanias.
It is possible that ancient geographers like Ptolemy also knew of the Andamans but referred to them by a different name.
You say, "it's the same name that was used by Strabo and other ancient geographers."