Knives were drawn and it looked as if many ancient, long-held grudges were to be settled.
He had even recalled as much as he could about his family's history, in case this was some ancient grudge rearing its head.
I'm lost in this heat, and full of ancient hates and ancient grudges!
The story is based on two lovers who are unable to start an relationship because of their family's feud and ancient grudge.
Others used the confusion as a convenient excuse to carry through on ancient grudges.
For the sake of civilization we must forget the past and erase ancient, perpetual grudges.
And now, a dangerous man with an ancient grudge is plotting to overthrow her and set up a new Enforcer.
I don't expect either one of you to settle such ancient grudges overnight.
Or will ancient grudges and suspicions persist in poisoning the atmosphere no matter how hard he tries?
Høyre wanted to get rid of the farmers because of an ancient grudge, dating back to the 19th century.