The boulder, he insisted, "was blown to pieces and removed, by individuals who probably know not its value as an ancient and important landmark."
Even so, Rome's bureaucrats remain protective when it comes to the Colosseum, the most imposing of the city's ancient landmarks.
Due to its status as a crossroads city, the city is a good base for exploring many important ancient landmarks a short distance away.
The basic rule comes from the Bible, Proverbs 22:28: "Remove not the ancient landmark."
To Mr. Topper this ancient landmark was not so much a tree as a place of residence.
The pair were nearing a lighted corner where a pagoda-topped building loomed like an ancient landmark.
Magnesia has also been identified in the Great Wall of China and other ancient landmarks.
This threatened many ancient landmarks, including the temple complex of Philae, with being submerged.
Egypt- the land of the Pharaohs- boasts some of the most impressive ancient landmarks in the world.
Being the oldest man in the world, he was ipso facto the best informed regarding ancient landmarks.