The inner bowl seemed filled with gritty debris and rubble from ancient landslides, a probable deathtrap for anyone falling into it.
Standing at the base of that ancient landslide, she puzzled over the abrupt disappearance of the footprints.
Three homes were demolished in 2008 after an ancient landslide was re-activated due to a prolonged season of heavy rain.
From here Breeze could see the 'clyst'- a huge gorge which was evidently the result of some ancient landslide.
Jimmy Smith Lake gives the appearance that it is a reservoir, however it was formed by an ancient landslide.
With cautious movements the Kh@fflict picked its way over a pile of rubble and crept across the treacherous surface of an ancient landslide.
It is built on an ancient landslide that may have occurred during the Missoula floods (15,300-12,700 years ago).
With the new suburban construction far outpacing infrastructure growth, ancient landslides were activated, temporarily disrupting major highways.
The town of Pahuatlán is over an ancient landslide.
Through the canopy they saw the dark red slope of the ancient landslide rising off to their left like a stairway to heaven.