Jocelyn turned to where Adrienne sat in a chair covered in ancient leather.
The Old V'ornn's smile was like the wrinkles in ancient leather.
Researching for an epic poem, he had been scanning the ancient leather- bound books in the archives.
An ancient black leather Bible rests on a slender wrought-iron stand.
Perhaps, Sergey thought, he should read a book on Ire- land, the better to understand the player in the ancient leather chair.
LaHain was slowly being crushed into the cracked, ancient leather of his command chair.
Open in front of me was a thick book, bound in ancient leather.
He was tall, thin, and bowlegged, his skin burnt to the color of ancient leather.
Next Turgut brought out a small book bound in ancient leather.
"Robbie's got my motor car," Locke announced as she settled herself in the ancient leather of the seat.