In fact, it removes the bishops' power to block the ancient liturgy; the cardinal is misrepresenting its contents.
The ancient use of this term is emphasised in Churches of the Syriac Tradition who have been using this title in their ancient liturgies for centuries.
There are other passages in ancient liturgies and martyrologies which refer to the work of Thomas in India.
Therefore Roz advocated a modified form of the ancient liturgy of the Saint Thomas Christians.
Though never becoming an official Anglican liturgy, Deacon's incorporation of ancient Christian liturgies and reclaiming of the doctrine of eucharistic sacrifice would influence later liturgical developments.
Clearly he sees in the ancient liturgy a sign of unity between East and West.
Its priests remain steeped in the austere, patriarchal teachings of third- and fourth-century holy fathers, and they recite an ancient Slavic liturgy that most Serbs cannot understand.
They were common in ancient eastern liturgies and have more recently been introduced into Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, and Methodist liturgies.
He had also the principal share in drawing up the Book of Common Prayer, for which his skill in ancient liturgies peculiarly fitted him.
A perfect example of this kind of epitaph is that of the Egyptian monk Schenute; it is taken verbally from an ancient Greek liturgy.