He tried the ancient mode of cheating- "Without bending the knees, please."
But it is clever of you to ask; many of the songs I have written are in the ancient mode of that country," he said.
He concludes that the modern proponents have made no significant progress in responding to the ancient modes of pyrrhonic skepticism.
Our four young people picnicked cheerfully, and were happy in the manner of a happiness that was an ancient mode in Nineveh.
Taghairm, sometimes interpreted as "spiritual echo," or calling up the dead, was an ancient Scottish mode of divination.
What was discourse like in this ancient acoustic mode?
But out in the woods, in the hot summer night, in the dark, men will revert to ancient modes of behavior.
Leaving the funerals, we find that the parish register sometimes records ancient and obsolete modes of death.
Some composers in recent centuries have enjoyed using the ancient modes from time to time in their music.
Hymns in the ancient mode rose to heaven.