The monastery has a residence of approximately 260 monks and has a numerous collection of some ancient murals.
Many ancient murals have survived in Egyptian tombs, and in Pompeii.
Key monastery has a collection of ancient murals and books, including Buddha images.
This practice dates back to pictures of them in ancient Egyptian murals from 4,000 B.C.
The importance of the Moon goddess is seen through her depiction in the codices and in ancient murals.
All of these aspects are reminiscent of town scenes found on ancient Roman murals.
On the walls he could see the ancient murals which some said had been painted there before the coming of man.
Why had she shown him the hidden ancient mural?
The Reformation whitewashed the traditional decorations of the church; recently the ancient murals have been uncovered and in part restored.
The cave walls are decorated with ancient murals, carvings and graffiti.