Peering, as before, from the shelter of the ancient pines, he beheld for the first time one of the building's occupants.
Some of the ancient pines, long dead, lay partly fallen, caught by their brethren before they could topple to the ground.
The lodge sat under the protection of towering, ancient pines, away from the open areas where the tents were congregated.
The yeti was entering taller forest now, of ancient pines.
It sat empty and silent, the ancient pines solemn witnesses that would never tell what they had seen.
Hardwood forests gave way to stands of ancient pines.
He pushed his way through the ancient pines, trailing after Bun- ion in silence.
The ancient pines with their calm, wrinkled faces, Danan's face, gave her comfort.
The area is currently one of the few places in state that has preserved these ancient pines from destruction.
With as great effect Juh might have charged one of the ancient pines that soughed above them.