That development not only violated an ancient Jewish precept, but, unless past patterns were reversed, it also augured the almost certain loss of a real sense of Jewishness among those couples' children or grandchildren.
"We are obliged by the most ancient precepts of our way to rear them to term and subsequently turn them over to their own folk."
Senbríathra Fithail 'The ancient precepts of Fíthal'
You would run afoul of that ancient precept "Two wrongs don't make a broken antique lamp whole again."
We followed the ancient precept: "Nakedness is often seen but never looked at."
In every library, by ancient precept, is a room reserved for children.
Yet that moral emphasis seems doctrinaire and rigid as practiced by the most devout, who seem unwilling to adapt ancient precepts to modern circumstances.
Masonic Landmarks are a set of principles that many Freemasons claim to be "both ancient and unchangeable precepts of Masonry".
Running their corporation according to the ancient precepts of the Talmud, they shunned all publicity and trusted only a handful of associates.
And, in fine, the ancient precept, "Know thyself," and the modern precept, "Study nature," become at last one maxim.