His music, most usually played with a band, is hypnotic, and often sounds like an ancient predecessor of funk.
Contemporary Egyptian farmers, like their ancient predecessors, divide the year into three seasons, namely winter, summer and inundation.
Many contemporary basket makers emulate their ancient predecessors by gathering their materials directly from nature.
From the 1950's on, he produced relief paintings, inspired by what he called "ancient predecessors of the Hebrew civilization."
In a strange way, the connection of the system nets and implants isolated Service officers more than their ancient predecessors.
Following a journey into an underground "cave," Plato, like his ancient predecessor, is vouchsafed a vision of the "real."
Underground, the ancient diabolic predecessors to the baatezu still lurk.
Like their ancient predecessors, the women wore white.
Below these falls, the river flows through an extensive floodplain created by an ancient predecessor that flowed through this region following the last ice age.
They must themselves have been built largely there, although never on the same scale of magnificence as their ancient predecessors.