In their friendship, together the two men read all sorts of other material, from English literary works, to political philosophy, to the ancient sages.
He recalled the ancient sages and their 'art of dying.'
The first zombie entered the tower just as the ancient sage stepped onto the stairs.
Everything within five feet of the ancient sage suddenly fell quiet, as did the mage himself.
When the ancient sages refer to "That," they are referring to an invisible but quite real power.
"There is great skill in concealing one's hostility," an ancient sage had said.
"Service is perfect freedom," one of the ancient sages had said.
Sisko realized that this monk was no ancient sage, but a fairly young man.
The reason for this extra day is due to enactment of the ancient Jewish sages.
An ancient sage once said anything that's advanced enough beyond your understanding is indistinguishable from magic, Kit.