The light blazed up, restoring priests and archway briefly to their ancient splendor.
Like most tourists, Eilat had never seen anything to match the ancient splendors of the city.
Finally all she could do was gape as the mighty derelict reverted to its ancient splendor.
The inscribed bases for these statues are still in place, and by reading them we can recreate the ancient splendour of this street.
Archaic devices of this nature were deliberately used here, to enhance the suggestion of ancient splendor.
How it was shorn of its ancient splendor!
Magnificence regains its ancient splendour also as an aspect of works of architecture and art.
Throughout the 1990s restoration works brought back the market to its ancient splendour.
And there is the promise of this magnificent yet tarnished city renewing its ancient splendor.
The two pythonesses would soon appear before their clients, arrayed in ancient splendor.