Ghazal is a poetic form with origins in ancient Arabic verse that expresses the beauty of love.
Poetry has always had a performative aspect, from the singers of ancient Greek verse, to the troubadours, to the balladeers, to the rockers & the rappers.
Anyway I am reminded by A Palinode of some ancient Chinese verse - although of course the diction & presentation is quite different.
The melancholy tone of the silver volume of ancient verse attests to that.
He is deeply interested in ancient Greek verse and its fragmentary character.
The mood was hard to shake off and, without even thinking, he muttered the remembered lines of an ancient verse.
Most ancient Egyptian verses were written in couplet form, but sometimes triplets and quatrains were used.
Then he pages through to see if any of the ancient verses call up echoes of what he feels, looking out at darkness and an uncertain future.
Now we destroy our ancient verse, our his...
The Tassu was used when chanting ancient religious verses.