According to stories, the book, written by an ancient witch (named Fuaran) contains a spell able to turn an ordinary human into an Other.
It is about the city of Salem, Massachusetts being visited by a coven of ancient witches.
An ancient witch who was sealed away in the Ancient Tome.
His character is shamed throughout the movie for being the key in resurrecting the three ancient witches.
"You're an ancient and very powerful witch."
Jack Spicer, an evil boy genius, and Wuya, an ancient witch, are also seeking the objects.
Doubtless ancient witches practised this rite, leaping high to make the crops grow.
Long years ago, an ancient witch did fall and sprain her ankle here.
It might be all mumbo-jumbo, still Kron was an ancient witch who would not risk her reputation as a seer for a whim.
A gifted, and ancient witch who sometimes secretly helps Baci out with her spells.