The company achieved good growth in its two ancillary businesses.
The economic success of these industries, and businesses ancillary to them, resulted in significant urban expansion into the surrounding countryside.
Although builders are the first line of casualties, ancillary businesses are also suffering.
Small machine shops and other ancillary businesses also sprang up to service the aerospace industry.
He rather started ancillary businesses that supported the mining industry, such as banks and railroads.
That was the first time the ancillary businesses produced more revenue than the publication.
"Having 130,000 less people here every day will do a lot of damage to the ancillary businesses."
And for some blue-chip law firms, ancillary businesses simply do not make sense.
It has shucked $1.3 billion in consumer services, international operations, and other ancillary businesses.
When people asked me about these various services I never said no, and soon we were in all these ancillary businesses.