Denise began as an ancillary character, but her importance grew to the point that her wedding was last season's finale.
Yet, with all of the hyperventilating of its six rather supercilious ancillary characters, the relationship at the play's core remains moving.
The remaining rounds are short stories focused on the ancillary characters.
This new staging seems to give a little more dramatic opportunity to important ancillary characters.
And on top of that, you had this other ancillary character about Santa Claus.
The stories in the book take up the lives of ancillary characters in Lost in the City.
One day, she composed a piece of a poem by one of the book's ancillary characters, an elderly preacher.
These ancillary characters can be traded between two family members if they are in the same army or city.
The men are indistinct, ancillary characters who appear mainly by proxy as their wives talk (mockingly) about them.
In the last three years, she has received fawning reviews for playing mostly ancillary characters in so-so movies.