Britt is "a long-term-view kind of guy," Dudley said, and with broadband use surging, "all of the ancillary costs affiliated with broadband are going up."
Another ancillary cost is marketing, both by insurance companies and health care providers.
In commercial ship chartering, demurrage is an ancillary cost that represents liquidated damages for delays.
Therefore the payment is fixed, although ancillary costs (such as property taxes and insurance) can and do change.
There may also be ancillary costs.
If ancillary costs are also considered, DirectHit testing could result in a total savings of $566M - $666M.
While study participants are not charged for the remedy being tested (which can costs hundreds of dollars for each treatment), they are usually responsible for all ancillary costs.
There are exceptions for other medical conditions in which the ancillary costs of research are not high, but that is rarely found in cancer research.
It became clear that I could not remain in practice with rising rents, salaries and ancillary costs.
It does not include the ancillary costs of damage to the environment or social structures.